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I boarded the plane,
Expecting a spectacular journey
Dreaming of wonderful sights!

The fellow passenger was not very friendly,
Got my seat changed somehow..
And I din’t like the seat then…I can’t peep out the window..
The journey continued…

I din’t get the food I ordered..
The guy sitting next had awesome food…
I wish I had asked for apple juice instead of orange…
The journey continued…

I couldn’t find the movie I wanted …
I watched my favourite one again… I think I noticed something afresh..
Maybe I’ll watch it again sometime ..
The journey continued…

I couldn’t even nap, how could everyone else sleep..
Too much noise.. Too much light…
Looked liked something or the other was always not right..
The journey continued…

I finally managed to sleep a bit…
I missed the ice cream…
I wanted the dessert…was my timing incorrect…I shouldn’t have slept…
The journey continued….

There was turbulence…severe turbulence..
I couldn’t fasten my seatbelt…
I was really scared… will I not make it?
The journey continued….

The guy sitting across the aisle is cute…Did he smile?
He looks at me every now & then..I think we can be good friends….
I din’t have courage to say hello…I waited for him…
The journey continued…

Descent was painful.. To my ears..
I tried to distract myself….
I felt it for a while…but was eventually fine…
The journey continued….

P.S. Everything in this poem is a metaphor, not sure how much could you guess as a reader!!
Hint: Plane is life! Now read it again pls 🙂